Miniature Railway
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Today's Weather
Medium-level cloud
High: 11°C | Low: 10°C
Medium-level cloud
High: 12°C | Low: 10°C
Medium-level cloud
High: 12°C | Low: 11°C
Medium-level cloud
High: 12°C | Low: 11°C
Medium-level cloud
High: 11°C | Low: 10°C
What's On
Plastic Free Exmouth beach clean 8.30-10am
Plastic Free Exmouth hold a weekly beach clean on Sunday mornings. We meet at the marina or Orcombe point at 8.30am.
at Exmouth Beach -
Holly Tree Sunday Euchre
We are a friendly group of people who meet to play Euchre
at The Holly Tree -
A Mini Winter Wonderland Trail
Combine family fun, exercise and brainpower for just £5 per trail, including a prize when you complete the trail.
at The Donkey Sanctuary