An information session for people considering running to be a county councillor in May's elections has been postponed due to the uncertainty about whether the ballot will go ahead this year.
A session aimed at helping people to learn about running to be a councillor for the first time in May’s local elections has been cancelled amid uncertainty about whether the ballot will be delayed.
Devon County Council last week decided to ask the government to give it permission to delay the elections by a year, ahead of local government reorganisation.
Westminster wants to abolish county and district councils, which split responsibility for services between them within an area, and replace them with larger unitary councils, which deal with all services under one roof.
To give councils time to create proposals for reorganisation in their areas, it offered them the opportunity to postpone elections
Now the county council is delaying a session aimed at giving people information about running for election and being a councillor.
The session was due to take place this Thursday, but because Devon is unlikely to be told if it can delay its elections by then, the council feels postponing the session makes sense.
It has asked people still interested to check on its website for further details.