At the budget-setting meeting on 28 February 2025, the Council had to identify £3.5 million savings to set a balanced budget for the next financial year. Part of the measures to achieve this included a reduction to the budget of the Leisure Service of £586,000
To achieve these savings, the Leisure service has had to review the centres it runs.
Northbrook Swimming Pool, despite extensive initiatives to increase usage, continues to be used by a low number of people.
Although a small community pool, its running costs are high because of the design and age of the building and pool itself. This means the income from the centre is substantially less than it costs to run it.
The decision to close Northbrook Swimming Pool will only be considered after hearing from the community it serves and after assessing the impact of the potential closure on its users.
It's important to give everyone who uses Northbrook Swimming Pool the opportunity to give their thoughts and opinions in an open way to get a deeper understanding of how any potential closure could impact users.
Full details of the consultation and how to take part are available on the council’s website: exeter.gov.uk/council-and-democracy/consultations-and-petitions/northbrook-swimming-pool/