A support scheme called ‘Energy Saving Torbay’ is helping residents save money and stay warm in their homes by offering free energy advice and support
With temperatures dropping and the recent increase of the energy price cap pushing average energy bills up by £149 a year, many people will be worrying about how they can afford to heat their homes.
Energy Saving Torbay is running regular drop-in sessions across Torbay for residents who are concerned about their energy bills. All Torbay residents are welcome to attend and can receive a wide range of free support.
This includes help with energy bills, checking tariffs and switching energy suppliers, understanding heating controls and meters, applying for discounts and grants, benefits checks and debt advice as well as practical advice on reducing energy and water bills.
The scheme was commissioned by Torbay Council and has received £75,000 from the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. It is being delivered by award-winning charity ECOE Advice.
Since it launched last year, Energy Saving Torbay has helped over 300 local households to save an average of over £700 per year on their energy bills.
Residents with a household income of under £31,000 or those in receipt of benefits can also apply for a free home visit. A trained home energy adviser will assess your home and provide practical support with free energy-saving measures such as LED light bulbs and draughtproofing and provide bespoke advice for you and your property. Funding is also available to help residents apply for energy-efficient, cost-effective products such as white goods and carpets (subject to eligibility criteria).
Councillor Chris Lewis, Deputy Leader of Torbay Council and Cabinet Member for Place Development and Economic Growth, said: ‘‘Many people across Torbay are facing rising energy costs and will be worried about how they can affordably heat their homes this autumn and winter. We want those people to know that free support is available. Energy Saving Torbay can help households to save hundreds of pounds on their energy bills and give practical tips on how to heat their homes more effectively. I encourage anyone who is struggling with their energy bills to get involved and make the most of the support on offer.’’
How to get support:
To make a referral for a home visit via the ECOE website: www.ecoe.org.uk/healthy-homes-wellbeing/referral-form/or call the freephone helpline 0800 772 3617.
All Torbay residents are welcome to attend the drop-in sessions. The locations and times are below.
• Paignton Library, Great Western Road – Second Tuesday of every month (12 Nov, 10 Dec, 14 Jan), 10am-12pm. There are also sessions on Carers Rights Day, 23 Nov, 10am – 2pm and Beat the Freeze Advice Day on 26 Nov, 10am – 2pm
• Age UK Torbay, 12 Dendy Road – Fortnightly on Thursdays (31 Oct, 14 Nov, 28 Nov, 12 Dec, 9 Jan, 23 Jan), 10am - 12:30pm
• Pembroke Surgery, (Self-Care Week), 266 Torquay Road – 18 Nov, 12pm – 3pm
• Brixham Library, Market Street– First Friday every two months (1 Nov, 7 Feb),10am - 12pm
• Riviera Life Church, 527 Babbacombe Road – 14 Nov, 11am - 1pm
• Torquay Library, Lymington Road - 26 Nov, 9.30am - 11.30am
*Please note that dates/times may be subject to change. Check the ECOE Advice website for the most up to date information.
Case study:
One of the people Energy Saving Torbay recently supported is a pensioner based in Paignton who has multiple complex needs following a stroke. He was worried about his finances and how to care for his home. On top of this, his boiler had stopped working and he hadn't had hot water for four weeks.
Energy advisers visited his home and assessed his property in detail. Easy measures were installed to reduce energy costs and improve energy efficiency, such as new energy efficient light bulbs and door draught excluders. Advisers worked with the man to install a new energy efficient boiler and showed him how to use the heating system. He also received tailored advice on switching his tariff, using a smart meter and how to change his everyday behaviours to reduce energy wastage. In total, the pensioner benefited from an estimated £3,339 in energy savings and support.
To find out more about Energy Saving Torbay visit Energy Saving Torbay – Invest In Torbay