Spotlight on Torbay’s partners working together to care for thousands of residents

A new Adult Social Care Self-Assessment has been published for the first time. This is a holistic assessment of all Adult Social Care services in Torbay commissioned by Torbay Council (with support from NHS Devon) as part of the Integrated Care Partnership.

Councillor Hayley Tranter, Cabinet Member for Adult and Community Services, Public Health and Inequalities, said: “We are pleased to be able to showcase some of the highlights of the work we’ve been doing with our care and NHS partners in our Self-Assessment report, which provides a great opportunity to celebrate our collective achievements as well as learning points for the future.

“Our report and our approach to Adult Social Care will also support our vision for a happy, healthy and prosperous Torbay, as outlined in our Community and Corporate Plan.

“The Self-Assessment is the first part of our journey on the road to our upcoming inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC). This will be a comprehensive inspection covering all aspects of Adult Social Care services in Torbay. Although at this stage we do not know the date for the inspection, it is important that we all prepare as best as possible for the inspection. CQC have new powers to inspect and intervene with councils on their social care provision since April 2023.”

Liz Davenport, Chief Executive at Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust said: “We are proud to provide a joined-up NHS and social care service that is helping to improve the lives of people in Torbay.

“We are collaborating with our partners to ensure people receive seamless health and social care, improve preventative care, reduce hospital admissions and support people to get home from hospital and remain independent in the community.

“We have recently signed a new section 75 agreement with Torbay Council and NHS Devon, which will allow us to continue to transform our service to embed an independence-led culture and respond to the increasing demands and challenges we face.”

It is anticipated that the CQC will give nine weeks’ notice ahead of the inspection and afterwards the CQC will publish a four-point rating – Outstanding, good, requires improvement and inadequate.

The Self-Assessment report publication follows the consultation over the summer of 2023 on our Adult Social Care Strategy with local stakeholders and in conjunction with HealthWatch.

Torbay has a strong history of long and deeply embedded integrated working and can be proud of the many benefits that this brings to our population, our services, and the wider Integrated Care System.

Highlights of the Self-Assessment report include:

  • Long-established and deep integration with the NHS via a section 75 agreement. This was recently renewed for another five years.
  • Supported 1,300 Carers with services or given information and advice.
  • Supported 2,803 Adults in Learning Disability services.
  • 3,287 clients received long term support in 2022/23.
  • 85% of people using reablement services reach independence.
  • 93% of people that finish reablement services are at or better than their baseline independence level.
  • Good partnership working with the Voluntary and Community Sector.
  • Good Home Care provision with almost no delayed Pathway 1 discharges from hospital throughout the 22/23 winter period.
  • Torbay has a comparable amount of good or outstanding rated care home providers when compared to the England average.
  • Our clinically led Quality Assurance and Improvement Team (QAIT) works well with the sector to improve the quality of provision and develop an improvement plan with those who are struggling, through direct intervention and support from clinicians.

You can access the full Self-Assessment report on our webpage.

We will publish further information about the CQC Inspection once we get confirmation of the start date.

  • There will also be a Local Government Association Peer Review of Torbay’s Adult Social Care services on 17,18 and 19 June 2024.

Get involved

If you are interested in working with us on the co-production of our Adult Social Care Services, please contact


Local case study (anonymised)

I have been caring for my husband for several years. He had dementia and he was difficult for me to cope with. During those years I have received lots of information, and I could talk through options that were available to me.  The carers services have been there for me when I was going through difficult times.

I talked to them about getting in some help and I opted for a live-in carer who was able to take my husband out so I could have some time to myself.  My husband would get angry if I wasn’t in the same room, so the live-in carer also meant that I could do housework etc without worrying about leaving the room for a few minutes.

I did an assessment with the Carers services and the money I received went towards some theatre tickets and a meal out.

My husband went into hospital a few months ago for an infection and the ward also noticed the difficulties I was facing. Between the ward, the GP, the support worker at the surgery, the live-in carer, everyone made sure that I was safe at home and that I had the support I needed to keep myself well.

I recently started talking about care homes because my husband had become worse. The Carers service talked to me about all the options and helped to allay my fears.

Very shortly after this discussion sadly I lost my husband.  The Carers service was there for me and helped me through a very difficult time.  I was able to keep my live in carer who was helping me manage and adjust to my new life without my husband, who I never stopped loving. 

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