People are being asked to have their say on polling arrangements in Torbay.
Torbay Council are reviewing their polling districts and polling stations and are asking residents for their views. The consultation period for this review will end on Wednesday 25 September 2024
Electors within the Council area or within a UK Parliamentary constituency which has any part in the authority may make a representation. They invite comments from all electors regarding the convenience of voting at polling stations currently used for elections. Where possible, people making representations should suggest alternative places that may be used as polling places.
Any person or organisation wishing to make a representation in respect of the arrangement of polling districts and polling places within the boundary of Torbay Council; must write to: Electoral Services Manager, Polling District Review, Governance Support, Torbay Council, Town Hall, Torquay, TQ1 3DR, or by email to electoral.registration@torbay.gov.uk by 25 September 2024.
The Council would also welcome the views of all residents, particularly disabled residents, or any person or body with expertise in access for persons with any type of disability, on the proposals.
The (Acting) Returning Officer (ARO) for the Parliamentary constituency of South Devon will comment on the proposals. Those representations will be published on the Council’s website and will be available for inspection at Torquay Town Hall, Castle Circus, Torquay, TQ1 3DR.
All submissions and correspondence, relating to the review will be made public on this website as the review progresses.
The outcome of the review will be published by the Council in December 2024 and will be available for inspection on the Council's website.